Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam blandit diam nec lacus congue imperdiet. In elementum ac magna ut hendrerit. Quisque vel arcu non leo imperdiet faucibus eget at odio. Etiam nisl ligula, consectetur et leo nec, commodo fringilla massa. Nulla arcu orci, lobortis ac augue at, egestas vehicula mi. Aliquam eleifend viverra nisi, blandit iaculis urna. Praesent at egestas leo, ac tincidunt lorem. Aliquam tempor condimentum mauris, vitae luctus augue aliquam in. Vivamus interdum tincidunt lacus sit amet mollis. Integer ac lobortis turpis. Proin convallis urna a orci tincidunt, ut ultricies eros accumsan. Fusce posuere quam est, dapibus pretium metus congue ac. Praesent molestie odio vitae odio placerat, at feugiat ante dictum. Aenean molestie egestas justo. Vivamus quis magna lobortis, venenatis nulla a, fringilla nunc. Nunc purus sem, ornare quis quam ut, sodales accumsan neque.
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Do you feel like you are on a mission to lose weight but simply aren’t seeing the results? If you feel that you are successfully implementing a solid exercise routine coupled with a healthy diet and still aren't seeing a change, maybe you are falling short in areas that you didn't even realize were affecting [...]
The post 5 Bedtime Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight appeared first on Pogamat.
While being disciplined enough or simply having the luxury to get yourself to the gym every day would be ideal, the odds of not missing a single gym day is very low. Perhaps you're juggling a busy work load, a full school schedule, trying to care for your family or you simply do not have [...]
The post Bodyweight Workout Benefits, Best Practices and How-Tos appeared first on Pogamat.
Picture this. You are in yoga class and the teacher guides you into a side plank pose known in Sanskrit as Vasisthasana. The class is heated and you feel the sweat pooling beneath your palm. Your supporting hand begins slipping and suddenly you feel your supporting foot beginning to slide off your yoga mat. Your back [...]
The post The Importance of Choosing a High Quality Yoga Mat appeared first on Pogamat.