Top 10 Fat Burning Foods

October 15, 2014

If you’re looking for fat burning foods to jump start your weight loss, try some oats, almonds and green tea.

Whether you simply want to lose a few pounds, or you need to stay in top shape for athletic competitions, you should try incorporating some of these top fat burning foods into your diet.

  1. Oats.  Not only are they affordable and easy to prepare, oats are full of fiber which helps you to feel fuller longer and keeps your metabolism going.  Many studies have shown they also help to reduce your cholesterol.
  2. Almonds.  High amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, protein and fiber make almonds the best nut for weight loss.  They also help reduce cravings because they give you feeling of being full.
  3. Grapefruit.  They help to lower insulin and regulate blood sugar and metabolism.  Eat the fleshy white membranes for maximum benefit.
  4. Chili peppers.  These spicy fruits give your metabolism a boost.
  5. Green tea.  It’s packed with antioxidants, including catechin, which helps your body burn more fat and calories.
  6. Organic, raw apple cider vinegar.  A few teaspoons diluted in water before a meal aids in digestion and helps promote weight loss. It also helps to reduce cravings.
  7. Flax seeds.  The omega-3 and fiber boosts your metabolism and fills you up.  Flax seeds also help to lower levels of bad cholesterol.
  8. Chicken breast.  When it comes to fat burning foods, it’s a popular choice for athletes and dieters alike because the lean protein helps build muscle.
  9. Tomatoes.  Lots of fiber and antioxidants and low calories means tomatoes should always be in your grocery cart.
  10. Lentils.  Protein makes them a good vegetarian option and the high fiber will keep your blood sugar levels from spiking.


green tea photo

If you’re looking for fat burning foods, reach for a cup of green tea.

The post Top 10 Fat Burning Foods appeared first on Pogamat.

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